The 5 Step Guide to the 70 Hour Hydraulic Installation

Speaker: Travis Hall, General Mgr., Alliance Elevator Solutions


This course offers a clear overview of a proven 5 step process on how to install a 2 stop hydraulic elevator in less than 70 hours. The course will entail detail step-by-step instruction throughout the 7 day process, outstanding course for both management and mechanics. The presentation will Introduce the mechanic and the management to a 5 step process which include; Commit, Align, Document, Execute, and Measure. These new methodologies, focus on Pre-Start requirements, Setting expectations, Jobsite Checklist, Tool Management, On-Site, Logistics and Print Interpretation. 


Failure of quiz will result in customer having to re-purchase and re-take the coursework.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2024
The 5 Step Guide to the 70 Hour Hydraulic Installation

Speaker: Travis Hall, General Mgr., Alliance Elevator Solutions


This course offers a clear overview of a proven 5 step process on how to install a 2 stop hydraulic elevator in less than 70 hours. The course will entail detail step-by-step instruction throughout the 7 day process, outstanding course for both management and mechanics. The presentation will Introduce the mechanic and the management to a 5 step process which include; Commit, Align, Document, Execute, and Measure. These new methodologies, focus on Pre-Start requirements, Setting expectations, Jobsite Checklist, Tool Management, On-Site, Logistics and Print Interpretation.  

Speaker Information
Travis Hall  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
National Association of Elevator Contractors
CET: 1.00
NAEC Member Price:$25.00
Non-Member Price:$30.00