EECO Hydraulic Control Valve Training

Speaker: Abe Salehpour, President Elevator Equipment Corp. (EECO)


This course is designed to teach the participant to become more familiar with the overall design, operation, adjusting and troubleshooting of a hydraulic elevator control valve. The adjusting and troubleshooting focus mainly on the EECO UV-5AT control valve as an example of a hydraulic elevator control valve.


Failure of quiz will result in customer having to re-purchase and re-take the coursework.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2024
EECO Hydraulic Control Valve Training

Speaker:  Abe Salehpour, President Elevator Equipment Corp. (EECO)


This course is designed to teach the participant to become more familiar with the overall design, operation, adjusting and troubleshooting of a hydraulic elevator control valve. The adjusting and troubleshooting focus mainly on the EECO UV-5AT control valve as an example of a hydraulic elevator control valve.


Speaker Information
Abe Salehpour  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
National Association of Elevator Contractors
CAT: 1.00
CET: 1.00
NAEC Member Price:$25.00
Non-Member Price:$30.00