Principles of ITI Inground Telescopic Cylinder

This session will share the principles of operation + specifications + advantages + installation. You will become familiarized with this very specific product that is often ignored by the majority of elevator companies.


Approved for 0.5 contact hours for CET and CAT.

*If you are seeking credit for licensing in the States of Virginia, please contact Kathy Bell in the NAEC office upon your successful completion of this course.  Additional info is required by Virginia.


Failure of quiz will result in customer having to re-purchase and re-take the coursework.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2024
Principles of ITI Inground Telescopic Cylinder

This session will share the principles of operation + specifications + advantages + installation. You will become familiarized with this very specific product that is often ignored by the majority of elevator companies.

Speaker Information
Simon Proulx-Croteau  [ view bio ]
Brent Strett  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
National Association of Elevator Contractors
CAT: 0.50
CET: 0.50
NAEC Member Price:$25.00
Non-Member Price:$30.00