Running Clearances 101

Speaker: Patrick Edwards, Integrity Elevator


This presentation will cover the myriad safety standards as they pertain to the required running clearances for home elevators, dumbwaiters, vertical platform lifts, incline platform lifts and stairway lifts.  The discussion will include information on new clearance rules (i.e. side clearance on VPL's) and how each clearance was derived and codified. There will be an opportunity to discuss ideas for changes to the national standards for clearances that do not seem to fit the need of a given device. ie. current standards allow a 1.5 gap between the landing floor edge and a residence elevator floor. Is that too much space?


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Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2024
Running Clearances 101

Speaker: Patrick Edwards, Integrity Elevator


This presentation will cover the myriad safety standards as they pertain to the required running clearances for home elevators, dumbwaiters, vertical platform lifts, incline platform lifts and stairway lifts.  The discussion will include information on new clearance rules (i.e. side clearance on VPL’s) and how each clearance was derived and codified.  There will be an opportunity to discuss ideas for changes to the national standards for clearances that do not seem to fit the need of a given device.  ie. current standards allow a 1.5 gap between the landing floor edge and a residence elevator floor.  Is that too much space?


Speaker Information
Patrick Edwards  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
National Association of Elevator Contractors
CAT: 1.00
CET: 1.00
NAEC Member Price:$25.00
Non-Member Price:$30.00