Safe Elevator Operation with Serial I/O

Speaker: Tom Reamsnyder, Virginia Controls


Serial I/O control methods applied to elevator operation has the ability to simplify and speed elevator installation. Done correctly, these methods can meet the expectations of the public and our industry for elevator safety and reliability. This presentation seeks to identify some of the boundaries contained in the elevator safety code and some of the limits within the technology itself, that the elevator specialist may encounter in the application of Serial I/O.


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Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2024
Safe Elevator Operation with Serial I/O

Speaker:  Tom Reamsnyder, Virginia Controls


Serial I/O control methods applied to elevator operation has the ability to simplify and speed elevator installation.  Done correctly, these methods can meet the expectations of the public and our industry for elevator safety and reliability.  This presentation seeks to identify some of the boundaries contained in the elevator safety code and some of the limits within the technology itself, that the elevator specialist may encounter in the application of Serial I/O.


Speaker Information
Tom Reamsnyder  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
National Association of Elevator Contractors
CET: 1.00
NAEC Member Price:$25.00
Non-Member Price:$30.00